Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Southern Banana Pudding

I have this pretty glass bowl I rarely use. At my house food is consumed at a speeding rate faster than anyone has time to notice, therefore we've abandoned pretty. I didn't know it until my friend from the Alabama explained it to me, but banana pudding to Southerners is like funeral potatoes to Mormons, it's always on the menu.
Another friend of mine shared with me an old time banana pudding recipe from one of the prominent women in PC known for her tremendous pies. As hard as I tried and as many times as I swore I was going to make it work, it always turned out runny. That's why I was so excited when another friend of mine shared her great grandmother's recipe with me. Try it. You're going to love it.

Scald 1 1/2 cups of milk. From 1 percent to whole... it doesn't matter what kind.
While waiting for the milk,
mix together:
1/2 cup sugar
2 Tbls cornstarch
1/2 cup sugar
2 egg yolks
dash salt

add 1/4 cup - 1/2 cup or so scalded milk to cornstarch mixture. This prevents the egg yolks from cooking, stir well, then add to the remaining scalded milk. Stir with a wire whisk on medium to medium/low heat until thickened. Stir constantly to prevent burning.

Layer with vanilla wafers and bananas, put 1/2 pudding on top of that and repeat layers. Top with fresh whipping cream.

If you'd like to make it in a 9/13 pan just triple the pudding recipe, use 1 box of vanilla wafers and about 8-10 bananas.

I gave this recipe to my neighbor and she asked me if I forgot and left off the vanilla. No vanilla in this delicious dish! Enjoy!!!

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