Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Crow Apple Pie

I don't know how many years ago my girls and I started making pie. I'm too tired today to look it up, but I think it's been at least a good twenty years or so. I tell you this because making pie is an art and every year we learn new tricks or develop new secrets that just improve every pie we make. Our apple pie has become "Crow Apple Pie," tried and tested year after year. 26 people now are here to do the taste testing! Today my daughter in law called and wanted the recipe. Her family recently moved away to law school and when it comes to making pie this year she's helping a friend.

Begin by making your pie crust. If you want an awesome pie crust recipe, see "The Best Pie Crust Ever!" It's located on the right under the label, "Pie". Love this pie crust recipe!

Prepare your bottom crust in your pie dish.

Apple Pie Filling
5 to 6 nice large Jonathon Apples peeled, cored, and sliced. soak in cold water with 3TBSP Lemon Juice until you are ready to use.

In a large bowl combine the following:
1 Cup Sugar... Half Brown, Half White (Don't Be Stingy!)
1 and 1/2 TBS Ultra Set by Ingredion or 2 TBS all purpose flour. We use the Ultra Set
1 tsp ground Cinnamon
1/8 tsp Nutmeg
a Pinch of Salt

Mix Well all dry ingredients.

Melt 2 TBSP Butter
1 TBS Lemon Juice

Drain your sliced apples,. In a separate bowl, drizzle the butter and lemon over them, then toss them into the dry ingredients and mix well.  Then add the mixture to your bottom crust. Dot with more butter and then apply your top crust. Your top crust should have some holes in it to let the steam out.

When your top crust is all sealed brush with Milk and sprinkle with Sugar and Cinnamon Bake at 375 degrees F. for 45-50 minutes or until apples test tender when a sharp knife is inserted into vent hole.

Makes 1 Nine inch pie.

Important: To prevent overbrowning on the edges, cover the edge of the pie with foil and remove the foil the last few minutes for edge to brown.

Remember! The fresher your ingredients are the better your pie tastes!

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