Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Crow Gravy

It's a funny name, "Crow Gravy." But it's a staple at our house and everyone loves it. It's not fancy-shmancy. It's sort of a redneck dish. It's called Crow Gravy, because I made it up. Maybe I should have called it "MotherBird Gravy." I guess if you wanted to be really boring, you could call it hamburger gravy. I'm never calling it that! I designed this recipe myself. Thought it up in my little tiny head with out any help from anyone. I created it a long time ago when my kids were little and I was desperate for something hot and simple to make. It's one of those nice and easy recipes. And your kids will request it over and over again. A bunch of my married kids came over the other night. We were going through the list of what to cook. Every one of them picked, none other, than Crow Gravy! I took a picture. It's coming soon. Be patient.

Here's the How To's!

Brown a pound of hamburger. Slice in a few onions while browning if you love onions. YUM! For my crew I triple this recipe.
When you are browning the beef, salt and pepper it GOOD! Don't be stingy!
After browning, drain off any grease.

Now add the following:
1 can Cream Of Mushroom Soup. You'll need a can of Cream of Mushroom Soup for every pound of ground beef you use.
Add 1/2 can of milk. And I add a little water too.
Stir that up in the beef respectably! It should be the consistency of runny gravy over the beef. Real creamy. Now if you want lots of creaminess, add two cans of Cream Of Mushroom Soup instead of one.
Now you can choose any vegetable you like to add next. I'm a green bean fanatic when it comes to this recipe. But any vegetable will do. So I love to add any kind of green beans. If I'm adding fresh, I cook them a little before adding them.
Now here's the secret to making this dish taste great. I like to buy the Wyler's ground beef bouillon. I also like to cook with "Better Than Bouillon." But in this recipe I like the fact I can sprinkle the ground Wyler's. And that's just what I do. I sprinkle a little across the top. NOT TO MUCH! I just sprinkle a little covering the top. I also salt and pepper it and as always add a dollop of butter. Heat that all up and prepare to serve.

Here's the fun part of this recipe. You can serve it on a baked potato. You can serve it on any kind of rice. And you can even serve it over Quinoa if you want to get real healthy. You can even sprinkle a little cheese on top.

Just beware, this dish will disappear fast! It really is super easy, filling, and dang tasty! Perfect pickins' for a bunch of birds!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sour Cream and Chips

I know you might find this strange. Am I seriously posting this? YES! This is a recipe you can handle. You take your potato chip, I like ruffled Lay's and you get out your sour cream, preferrably the full fat kind, and you stir it aroud all creamy like, and you dip your potato chip in it. Then say hello to your new addiction!

I can't tell you how many people I've introduced this Crow indulgence to.

One more thing. I wasn't sure where to put this recipe. "Main Dish," came to mind.

Enjoy! Remember I warned you! You're going to love it.